We have drafted a communication to Local Residents which sets out our concerns. Please see in the documents below, important issues Malmesbury Town Council will be raising under 'Local Residents Communication'.
Wiltshire Council is consulting on the latest draft of its Local Plan. This is an important document as it set-outs the vision and framework for Wiltshire for the period to 2038, addressing housing needs and other economic, social, and environmental priorities. In total Wiltshire Council is saying that 36,740 houses should be built in Wiltshire, the majority of which have already been built or are committed.
The proposals for Malmesbury are contained in the document Planning for Malmesbury (Click link here). Please see in the documents below, important questions Malmesbury will be raising in the consultation under Local Residents Communication.
Wiltshire Council are holding 16 drop-in events at libraries and leisure centres around Wiltshire and we have one here in Malmesbury at the Library
Monday 9th October 3 – 7 pm. No need to book. The drop-in events are informal sessions where you can meet officers, find out more about the Plan, and how to respond to the consultation. If you cannot make your local in-person event, you are welcome to attend any of the others to discuss the Plan and your own area – all events are open to all.
The live webinar will be held on Tuesday 10 October 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm, on Microsoft Teams, and will feature a presentation, followed by the opportunity to ask questions. Here follows the link to register beforehand for the online event.
The Local Plan consultation ends at 5pm on Wednesday 22 November. To find out more, visit our the Wiltshire Council Local Plan website page.
If you have no computer access and would like to write your response, you can do so and bring to the Town Hall Tourist Information office and we will forward this on your behalf.
All information website link www.wiltshire.gov.uk/local-plan