Derek Tilney has been the Chairman of Royal British Legion’s Malmesbury Branch since 1974. He soon introduced innovations to improve the Branch’s visibility including laying a Field of Remembrance in Malmesbury Abbey grounds and beginning an annual Poppy Concert in the Abbey featuring Wroughton Silver Band which continue to this day. He arranged the installation of a bench commemorating the Branch’s 50th anniversary which has recently been replaced for the Centenary outside the Abbey.
During the 1980s he arranged the sale of the Branch’s club premises and by investing the proceeds has funded several worthy schemes. A strong and lasting relationship was formed with the Veterans Dunkirk Memorial House Home, Taunton, financing new beds, providing and erecting a summer house as well as donating towards a new minibus. Other support was provided to the National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas. Typically he used the opportunity of a short period working in Holland to contact the RBL Eindhoven Branch and, by using this relationship, arranged for a Malmesbury man to visit his brother’s war grave there.
As the Area Poppy Appeal Organiser for many years, Derek has worked tirelessly to recruit and support teams of collectors, ensured that every school, shop and pub is visited, distributed poppies and made up trays. Everyone was personally thanked after the collection. As an example of his initiative, in 2009 while serving on the Wiltshire County Executive, a spectacular launch was sought for the Poppy Appeal. Using a donated red carpet and black paint, he prepared a giant poppy which was mounted on the neck of the Cherhill White Horse, visible and photographed from miles away and greatly admired.
Now forced to retire due to ill health the Royal British Legion has in recognition of this extraordinary service awarded Derek a Gold Badge, its highest accolade for volunteers. On Thursday 17th October a simple ceremony was held at the Red Bull Inn, Malmesbury when the badge was presented by the town’s Deputy Mayor, Steve James.
Jason Coward, National RBL Chairman commented “He deserves this and more for all he has done for the RBL.”